Choosing Wisely 2022 for resource limited settings : Reducing Low value cancer care for Sustainability
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Dear friends and colleagues,
The choosing wisely meeting will be in its third year to be held in India in collaboration with ecancer, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai; BALCO Medical Centre, Raipur and National Cancer Grid. Amidst growing concerns of increasing cost of cancer care and financial toxicity incurred by patients, appropriate use of tests, procedures and treatments is crucial. As we move forward with newer drug with minimal benefits and high-end technology approvals, it has become increasingly difficult to make wise choices in clinic for practicing oncologists and patients. What is available may not necessarily be better or cost –effective.
It gives us great pleasure to invite you to this meeting on choosing wisely or avoiding wisely, especially avoiding overuse of treatments with no survival benefit or improvement of quality of life. Given that low value cancer care is ingrained in some systems, active awareness and efforts to de-implement these either by reducing / replacing / stopping these practices is the way forward for sustainability.
Within this context, we invite you for a thought provoking edition of our conference “Choosing Wisely for resource limited settings : Reducing Low value cancer care for Sustainability” to be held on 17th and 18th September at Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. The meeting will be hybrid. One of the important discussions at the meeting is also to develop recommendation on avoiding patients exposure to unnecessary risks, both financial and treatment related.
Choosing wisely global initiative is to build on choosing wisely ASCO framework of expanding the use of relevant, accessible innovations and low-cost potential treatment to sustain patients’ access to good quality care. Taking forward our agenda with experts passionate in this subject, we wish to contribute to the cancer care policy framework that garners the support of health professionals, patients, and citizens for enhancing the value of cancer care.
We look forward to welcoming you at this conference.

Professor Richard Sullivan
Chair of the ecancer Foundation and Director of the Institute of Cancer Policy, King's College, London, UK

Dr. Bhawna Sirohi
Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee
ecancer board member, Honorary consultant Queen Mary University, London; President, Oncology Section, The Royal Society of Medicine and Lead Medical Oncologist – Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, Chennai