Choosing Wisely Mumbai 2023: Common Sense in Oncology
Thank you for supporting this event
Dear friends and colleagues,
The choosing wisely meeting will be in its fourth year to be held in India in collaboration with ecancer, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai; BALCO Medical Centre, Raipur and National Cancer Grid. The aim of the meeting has been to drive patient focused care which is based on evidence, values, systems and is financially viable and sustainable. Keeping this in mind, the theme for the meeting is “Common Sense in Oncology” which was an initiative discussed at Queens University, Kingston in April this year led by Prof Christopher Booth & Dr Bishal Gyawali. This ties in very nicely with choosing wisely for our patients.
Cancer treatments have to really help patients be cured, live longer with a good / normal quality of life. The clinical trial designs and outcomes seem to have lost their way in trying to churn out cancer treatments which may control disease on a scan but will not help patients live longer or have a meaningful life. Financial and time toxicity is not even considered while these expensive, out of reach cancer medicines or technologies are pursued.
We need to rethink our approach today so we serve our patients better -be “patient -centric” and equitable. This approach will put patients’ needs first, promote improved better informed doctor-patient communication, prioritize treatments that improve survival and quality of life, and ensure these treatments are accessible and affordable to all patients globally.
It gives us great pleasure to invite you to this meeting on Choosing Wisely , that will take place on the 1st and 2nd of November, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, especially to try and make oncology sensible again!
Choosing wisely global initiative is to build on choosing wisely ASCO framework of expanding the use of relevant, accessible innovations and low-cost potential treatment to sustain patients’ access to good quality care. Taking forward our agenda with experts passionate in this subject, we wish to contribute to the cancer care policy framework that garners the support of health professionals, patients, and citizens for enhancing the value of cancer care.
We look forward to welcoming you at this conference.

Dr Bhawna Sirohi
BALCO Medical Center, Raipur

Prof Richard Sullivan
King's College London, London