
ecancer - TMC Kolkata Psycho-oncology Congress

ecancer.org and Tata Medical Center present a one-day summit for early career oncologists, graduate students in psychology, MBBS students, postgraduate medical students, postgraduate students of clinical psychology, and those undertaking MPhil in Clinical Psychology.

7 Sept 2024
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Dear Colleagues,

We welcome you to the ecancer - TMC Kolkata Psycho-oncology Congress to be held as an in-person event at Tata Medical Center, Kolkata on 7th Sept 2024. The focus of this year’s congress will be on psychological and behavioral factors impacting accessing care in cancer patients, anxiety, and depression in cancer patients, and also have a symposium on pediatric psycho-oncology. 

The conference will be of immense benefit to graduate students in psychology, MBBS students, postgraduate medical students, postgraduate students of clinical psychology, and those undertaking MPhil in Clinical Psychology. Early career oncology clinicians from any specialties and working clinical psychologists will also find the program interesting. We have limited the number of participants to 150 only to make it interactive and fruitful. Pre-registration is mandatory. 


Programme: https://ecancerevents.org/upcoming/kolkata-2024/agenda



The course fee of 800 INR is to be paid electronically to Tata Medical Centre Trust account. Payment may be done using the QR code or by NEFT details given below. At the time of registration, you will be required to mention the transaction ID of the payment. The organizers are clinicians and we request you to give us 7 working days regarding confirmation of payment and registration. The registration fee for this event is non-refundable.

To register for the event please complete the registration form here after making the necessary payment.


Oral and poster presentations: 

McVie-Veronesi Research Award and oral presentation session: We welcome the submission of original research/audit for the oral presentation session in the field of psycho-oncology, health psychology, or consultation liaison psychiatry. For more details about the McVie -Veronesi Research Award please click here.

Dilip Mahalanabis Poster Award and poster presentation: We welcome the submission of original research/audit for the poster presentation in the field of psycho-oncology, health psychology, or consultation liaison psychiatry. For more details about the Dilip Mahalanabis Poster Award please click here. 

We would like to welcome you all to this important event.


¡Seats are limited, register today!


Warmest regards,


Dr Soumitra S Datta 

Chair of the Organising Committee            

Tata Medical Center, Kolkata, India

Honorary Researcher, 


University College London, UK



Prof Richard Sullivan

Professor of Cancer & Global Health at King's College, London, 

Director, Institute of Cancer Policy. 

Chair of Trustee's, ecancer